As we know we have to work as a group and separating tasks is essential otherwise, duplicated research will arrive. So I decided to separate the tasks by artists from the romanticism.
Not only it will allow us to know what are the ideals of that certain artist, but also gives a broader idea of the given topic Romanticism.
For the given topic, try to read through texts about the Romanticism to better understand the Art Movement as well as its reaction against the enlightenment period. Find Keywords in texts that related this 2 subjects and post them on here, from quotations and full articles to videos, etc. so we can discuss things live.
This will be very important for people that couldn't make to Uni today.
Me, Jolanta and AJ, we sat down after the lecture, trying to divide tasks. So we came up with the idea to research by artist, but as we know are numerous artists inside this art movement.
So from my previous knowledge, I could identify certain names that were really important for this era.
The tasks divided by artists are:
AJ- John Constable

Jolanta- Eugene Delacroix
Ruben- Francisco Goya

Earl- William Blake

Elliot- Caspar David Friedrich

P.s- Do not stick with the pictures, it was only a guide to help you know what we will be researching into.
I advise to get a book from the library, or any published article related to this artists, and read it carefully in search for any keywords related to Romanticism, Enlightenment, Also do not dodge the introduction, as it bears extensive information about the art movement they belong to in this case the Romanticism, ( this will be a efficient way of researching, because the library in Uni is running low in Romanticism books).
Important! Do not jump into his life immediately, without reading the introduction about the movement. Although, we have to present some significant artists we do not have to talk about their private life, We rather have to know about their ideals inside painting, architecture , etc.
Finally if you realise, I choose the artists by cultural backgrounds, This will show despite their difference in culture, the ideals inside the art movement remain the same, and you will find that.
Any questions just post on here.
Dont forget to post information and be a frequent blogger please, as it is the only way to communicate, 24/7.
OK, I'll have a quick look into my artist now and more extensivily over the weekend. Great idea to divide up the work like we have. Sorry I couldn't be in today to be apart of the discussion. Snow can be a bitch on little cars.
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