William Blake is someone I have covered before but I can't remember where exactly. This is some of Blake's most prominent work during the Romantic movement and that had a role in it.
The Wood of Self-Murder: The Harpies and the Suicides:

A rather surreal image that at first glance doesn't look like it belongs in the romantic movement. But then you analyse it and see how imaginative the painting is.

Here the figure of 'the creator' is seen kneeling before the world he has created. The idea of creation is brought up in allot of Blake's work.
The Lovers Whirlwind:

A painting Blake created for the world famous, The Divine Comedy, which follows Dante Alighieri's descent through hell to save his loved one. This image once again features hell. A recurring theme of heaven and hell is dominant in Blake's work. All due to his imagination in the romantic movement.
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